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MCQs for CSS | CSS assignments | Science MCQs


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MCQs for CSS | CSS assignments | Science MCQs

MCQs for CSS | CSS assignments | Science MCQs

154. Earth’s troposphere extends from the Earth's surface to an average height of about ____ km.
A.       10
B.       12
C.       15
D.      17

155.     The science of lightning is called
A.       Aerology
B.       Meteorology
C.       Elect orology
D.      Pulmonology

156.    Ships use _____ to find the depth of the ocean beneath them. 
        A.      Pitches
B.       Echoes
C.       Frequencies
D.      None of these

157.     Molecules with identical molecular formulae but with different structural formulae are called
A.       Isomers
B.       Isotopes
C.       Atomic number
D.      Mass number

158.    The anode is the electrode connected to the ______ terminal of a battery.
A.       Positive
B.       Negative
C.       Neutral
D.      Free

159.    The unit used to measure humidity is
A.       Barometer
B.       Hydrometer
C.       Hygrometer
D.      Galvanometer

160.   The laser was invented by
A.       Volta
B.       Sturgeon
C.       Hero
D.      Maiman
161.     The Vernier calipers are used to measure
A.       Length
B.       Time
C.       Temperature
D.      Viscosity
162.    The atomic clock is used to measure ____ intervals of time. A.    Very short
B.       Short
C.       Very long
D.      Long
163.    1 ton = _____ kg
A.       100
B.       400
C.       1000
D.      4000
164.    An instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure is
A.       Ammeter
B.       Manometer
C.       Galvanometer
D.      Barometer
165.    An instrument used to measure gas pressure is
A.       Ammeter
B.       Manometer
C.       Galvanometer
D.      Barometer
166.    Which electromagnetic wave has the longest wavelength?
A.       Gamma rays
B.       X-rays
C.       Microwaves
D.      Radio waves
167.    Which electromagnetic wave has the shortest wavelength?
A.       Gamma rays
B.       X-rays
C.       Microwaves
D.      Radio waves
168.    All electromagnetic waves have the same
A.       Frequency
B.       Amplitude
C.       Wavelength in vacuum
D.      Speed in vacuum
169.    The reflection of sound is called
A.       Frequency
B.       Vibration
C.       Echo
D.      Wave
170.    An instrument used to measure electric current:
A.       Ammeter
B.       Barometer
C.       Galvanometer
171.     The SI unit of thermodynamic temperature is
A.       Celsius
B.       Fahrenheit
C.       Kelvin
D.      None of these
172.    The shortest distance between crest to crest is:
A.       Pare
B.       troughs
C.       Amplitude
D.      Wavelength
173.    The speed of sound is fastest in
A.       Solids
B.       Liquids
C.       Gasses
D.      Vacuum
174.    The speed of sound is slowest in
A.       Solids
B.       Liquids
C.       Gasses
175.     Radioactivity was discovered by
A.       Henri Becquerel
B.       Pierre Curie
C.       Marie Curie
D.      Rutherford
176.    Which from the following has the greatest ionizing power? 
        A.          Alpha particles
B.       Beta particles
C.       Gamma rays
D.      All three has the same ionizing power
177.     Which from the following has the greatest penetrating power?
A.       Alpha particles
B.       Beta particles
C.       Gamma rays
D.      All three have the same penetrating power
178.    Which from the following has the greatest speed?
A.       Alpha
B.       Beta
C.       Gamma
D.      None

179.    At night
A.        The land cools faster than the water in the sea
B.        The water in the sea cools faster than the land
C.        The land and the water in the sea cool together
D.       None of these

180.   The chemical name of chalk is
A.       Sodium nitrate
B.       Zinc sulfate
C.       Sulphuric acid
D.      Calcium carbonate

181.     The branch of science which study the interaction between matter and radian energy is:
A.       Thermochemistry
B.       Polymer chemistry
C.       Spectroscopy
D.      Electrochemistry

182.    The horizontal rows of the periodic table are:
A.       Groups
B.       Periods
C.       Sets
D.      Matrices

183.    The vertical columns of the periodic table are:
A.       Groups
B.       Periods
C.       Sets
D.      Matrices

184.    Which metallic element is liquid at room temperature
        A.    Zinc
B.       Nickel
C.       Lead
D.      Mercury

185.    Which non-metallic element is liquid at room temperature? 
        A.         Bromine
B.       Fluorine
C.       Chlorine
D.      Phosphorous
186.    Battery charger converts electrical energy into ______ energy.
A.       Kinetic
B.       Potential
C.       Chemical
D.      Nuclear
187.    A loudspeaker changes ______ energy into sound energy. 
        A. Chemical
B.       Electrical
C.       Light
D.      Kinetic
188.    The strongest part(s) of a magnet is/are
A.       North pole
B.       South pole
C.       North and south pole
D.      Median of north and south pole
189.    Electromagnetic induction was discovered by
190.   The battery was invented by
A.       Carnot
B.       Volta
C.       Faraday
D.      Bessel
191.     The most abundant form of matter in the universe is
A.       Solid
B.       Liquid
C.       Gas
D.      Plasma
192.    When gas is ionized, ________ forms.
A.       Molecule
B.       Element
C.       Plasma
D.      Current
193.    The wind is caused by
A.       The difference in atmospheric pressure
B.       The difference in atmospheric temperature
C.       Rotation of the Earth
D.      Revolution of the Earth
194.    Wind speed is measured by
A.       Anemometer
B.       Barometer
C.       Ceilometer
D.      Galvanometer
195.    The fact that the universe is expanding was discovered by
A.       Hahn
B.       Hubble
C.       Rontgen
D.      Rutherford
196.    X-rays were discovered by
A.       Hahn
B.       Hubble
C.       Rontgen
D.      Rutherford
197.    The Nobel prize in physics for the discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect was awarded to
A.       Newton
B.       Einstein
C.       Rontgen
D.      Rutherford
198.    The symbol of gold is
A.       Au
B.       Ag
C.       Fe
D.      Sg
199.    Plaster of Paris is produced by heating
A.       Graphite
B.       Gypsum
C.       Zinc
D.      Lead
200.  Which from the following is NOT true about Helium gas
A.       Colorless
B.       Odorless
C.       Tasteless
D.      Toxic
201.   Which is the largest excretory organ of the body
A.       lungs
B.       skin
C.       liver
D.      none of these
202.  The brain is enclosed in a bony case called
A.       diaphragm
B.       vertebral column
C.       cranium
D.      vertebrae
203.  Which is the bone that is present in the forelimb
A.       radius
B.       femur
C.       ribs
D.      sternum
204.  Which one is an herbivore
A.       cat
B.       dog
C.       cow
D.      lion
205.   Which structure helps in the transport of water in plants
A.       phloem
B.       leaf
C.       bark
D.      xylem
206.  The organisms that can make their own food are called
A.       producers
B.       consumers
C.       secondary consumers
D.      decomposers
207.   Bacteria are
A.       eukaryotes
B.       prokaryotes
C.       non-living
D.      none of these
208.  Bile juice is secreted by
A.       pancreas
B.       stomach
C.       intestine
D.      gall bladder
209.  Which part of the blood cells provide immunity
A.       RBC
B.       WBC
C.       platelet
D.      blood plasma
210.   Which structure prevents water loss in plants
A.       cuticle
B.       bark
C.       mesophyll
D.      leaf
211.     DNA structure was first described by
A.       Pasteur
B.       Robert Koch
C.       Watson and Crick
D.      Carlos Linnaeus
212.    Pollination is best defined as
A.       germination of pollen grains
B.       transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma
C.       formation of pollen grains
D.      none of these
213.    Movement of the cell against concentration gradient is:
A.       active transport
B.       osmosis
C.       diffusion
D.      both b and c
214.    One of the following is not a function of bones
A.       support
B.       production of blood cells
C.       protein synthesis
D.      muscle attachment
215.    Plants absorb most part of the water needed by them through their
A.       stem
B.       root hairs
C.       leaf
D.      bark
216.    Highly intelligent mammals are
A.       rat
B.       bat
C.       dolphin
D.      elephant
217.    Process of cell division takes place by
A.       mitosis
B.       fertilization
C.       reproduction
218.    Prokaryotic cell lack
A.       nucleolus
B.       nuclear membrane
C.       both a and b
D.      none of these
219.    Pulses are a good source of
A.       proteins
B.       carbohydrates
C.       vitamins
D.      minerals
220.  Plants that grow in dry habitat are called
A.       hydrophytes
B.       xerophytes
C.       shrubs
D.      herbs
221.    Oxygen released in the process of photosynthesis comes from
        A.      water
B.       oxygen
C.       carbon dioxide
222.   Phloem tissue is found in
A.       liver
B.       placenta
C.       plants
D.      none of these
223.   Plant bends towards the source of light on account of the movement known as 
        A. geotropism
B.       hydrotropism
C.       chemotropism
D.      phototropism
224.   Animal lacks 
        A. starch
B.       cellulose
C.       protein
D.      lipids
225.   On which of the following plants did Gregor Mendal perform his classical experiment
A.       corn
B.       mustard
C.       pea
D.      sunflower
226.   Among the biotic components of the ecosystem, the producer system are 
        A. carnivores
B.       herbivores
C.       plants
D.      animals
227.   Breeding and management of bees is known
A.       agriculture
B.       sericulture
C.       horticulture
D.      apiculture
228.   Study of fossils is called
A.       psychology
B.       paleontology
C.       biodiversity
D.      hematology
229.   Which is an example of fungi
A.       paramecium
B.       euglena
C.       penicillium
D.      octopus
230.  The scientific name of human is
A.       Homo sapiens
B.       Homo hibiscus
C.       Orica Sativa
231.    Threadlike structures in fungi are called
A.       mycelium
B.       hyphae
C.       sporangium
D.      spores
232.   The smallest bacteria on earth is
A.       mycoplasma
B.       E.coli
C.       salmonella
D.      clostridium
233.   Vaccine for rabies was developed by
A.       Robert Koch
B.       Robert Brown
C.       Pasteur
D.      none of these
234.   Malaria is caused by
A.       mosquito
B.       plasmodium
C.       virus
D.      bacteria
235.   Hepatitis is inflammation of
A.       stomach
B.       kidney
C.       lungs
D.      liver
236.   Penicillin is obtained from
A.       soil
B.       bacteria
C.       fungi
D.      virus
237.   Which one is an endoparasite
Lice ticks’ virus
238.   Fructose is
A.       pentose sugar
B.       hexose sugar
C.       heptose sugar
D.      none of these
239.   A peptide bond is a
A.       C-N link
B.       N-H link
C.       C-O link
D.      N-O link
240.  Which is correct about enzymes
A.       protein in nature
B.       speed up reaction
C.       denature at high temperature
D.      all of these
241.    Which is called the powerhouse of the cell
A.       Golgi complex
B.       mitochondria
C.       nucleus
D.      endoplasmic reticulum
242.   The structure that is absent in animal cell
A.       cell wall
B.       nucleus
C.       centriole
D.      mitochondria
243.   The non-protein part of the enzyme is called
A.       co-enzyme
B.       activator
C.       cofactor
D.      substrate
244.   Nucleic acid was first isolated by
A.       Erwin Chargaff
B.       Friedrich Miescher
C.       Rosalind Franklin
D.      none of these
245.   One of the following is not pyrimidine
A.       thymine
B.       cytosine
C.       guanine
D.      uracil
246.   Fructose is
A.       milk sugar
B.       cereal sugar
C.       alto sugar D. keto sugar
247.   Group of tissues doing a particular job
A.       organ
B.       system
C.       organelle
D.      individual
248.   Members of the same species living in the same place at the same time make A.   population
B.       ecosystem
C.       community
D.      trophic level
249.   Which one is a leukocyte
A.       red blood cell
B.       plasma cell
C.       monocyte
D.      all of these
250.   Which one of the following contains deoxygenated blood
        A.   pulmonary artery
B.       hepatic artery
C.       left atrium


154.   B          214.     C
155.   D          215.     B
156.   B          216.     C
157.   A          217.     A
158.   A          218.     C
159.   C          219.     A
160.   D          220.     B
161.   A          221.     A
162.   A          222.     C
163    D          223      D
164.   D          224.     B
165.   B          225.     C
166.   D          226.     C
167.   A          227.     D
168.   D          228.     B
169.   C          229.     C
170.   A          230.     A
171.   C          231.     B
172.   D          232.     A
173.   A          233.     C
174.   C          234.     B
175.   A          235.     D
176.   A          236.     C
177.   C          237.     D
178.   C          238.     A
179.   A          239.     B
180.   D          240.     D
181.   C          241.     B
182.   B          242.     A
183.   A          243.     C
184.   D          244.     B
185.   A          245.     C
186.   C          246.     D
187.   B          247.     A
188.   C          248.     C
189.   C          249.     C
190.   B          250.     A
191.   D          
192.   C          
193.   A         
194.   A          
195.   B
196.   C
197.   B
198.   A
199.   B
200.   D
201.   B
202.   C
203.   A
204.   C
205.   D
206.   A
207.   B
208.   D
209.   B
210.   A
211.   C
212.   B
213.   A


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